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And the Winner is

CharactersCrossoversMod AwardsOverallStory Types
Category Definition:Nominated stories must be complete, and have two or more fandoms that do not include BtVS/AtS.
Best Non-BtVS/AtS Crossover
180XSGCOM: Goa'uld Defence Hotpoint FR18 Download
166The Husband of Sha'uri jedibuttercup FR13 Download
115Old Bones Mhalachai FR13 Download
112The Return MarcusRowland FR13 Download

The following nominees did not make the cut for the final stage of voting:

Best Non-BtVS/AtS Crossover
27Curiosity Killed the Cat HiltonK FR15 Download
24Dark, Still Water litgal FR18 Download
19The Puir Laddie Who Lived fojee FR7 Download
17A Grand Sneer MoragMacPherson FR13 Download
15She's Walking to the End of the Line kerrykhat FR13 Download
14Applicant #16, DeSalvo's of Colorado Springs Matrya FR7 Download
12From the Ashes MarcusSLazarus FR13 Download
11The Hunt Brown FR15 Download
10Webs and Witches MarcusSLazarus FR13 Download
7Cruel Trick of Fate TDWidow FR15 Download
3The Last Galadrielle FR15 Download
Total votes in this category: 824. Of these, 92 were secondary votes made after the cut.
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