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Award Site Listings

BTVS Awards Central

BTVS Awards Central is a community that has been created so that people can stay aprised of nomination openings and closings and the current status of Buffy based awards sites.

Link to BtVS Awards Central Website

Link to BtVS Awards Central LJ Listings

BtVS/AtS Award Sites

Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards

Buffy may be over but the show still lives on in the hearts, pens, and computers of its fans. This site is dedicated to awarding the people who keep BTVS alive, fanfic writers.

Link to Sunnydale Memorial Main Site

Willowy Goodness Awards

The annual awards for excellence in willow-centric fan fiction.

Link to Willowy Goodness Awards

Shades of Grey Awards

The SoGA are general non-character-specific BtVS fan fiction awards, judged approximately three times a year.

Link to Shades of Grey Awards

Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards

The Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards is a livejournal community that recognizes excellence in the characterization of all characters in the Jossverse - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Firefly and Serenity through both fanfiction and fanart.

Link to the Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards

Fang Fetish Awards

The Fang Fetish Awards honor the best vampiric fiction in the Buffyverse. It focuses on the 'unusual', off-canon, and often overlooked; preferably with an NC-17 rating. There are three major categories for this site, Spuffy Vampiric, All Pairing, and Non-Spuffy Vampiric.

Link to Fang Fetish Awards

Bodice Ripper Awards

The Bodice Ripper Awards are for Giles-centric fan fiction and fan art annual.

Link to Bodice Ripper Awards

Multimedia Award Sites

Art of Vidding Awards (AVA)

The Art of Vidding Awards is a monthly contest for TV fandom music videos. Currently, nominations for vids in the following fandoms are accepted: Bones, Deadwood, Dr. Who, House, Lost, Supernatural, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, Whedonverse (including Serenity), Wonderfalls.

Link to the Art of Vidding Awards Main Site